Информация о доставке
Внутренние поставки
* Мы отправляем пакет через любого внутреннего перевозчика, как клиент запросил. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации.
Международные перевозки
* Мы отправляем пакет через DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, EMS, или другой способ вы предпочитаете.
* Стоимость доставки основана на размере, весе, месте назначения и стоимости пакета, включая страхование доставки.
* Перевозчик обычно предоставляет онлайн-учетную запись для управления вашими грузами и еще более передовые функции.
* Мы придерживаемся всех экспортных политик и правил. Некоторые продукты могут быть ограничены ИТАР, а экспортные ограничения могут привести к задержке в сроках доставки.
* Мы также принимаем метод доставки как запрошенный клиент.
* Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь связаться с нами, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы. Спасибо!
DHL Express
International Shipping, on time, every time.
DHL Express is a division of the German logistics company Deutsche Post DHL providing international express mail services. Deutsche Post is the world's largest logistics company operating around the world. DHL is a world market leader in sea and air mail.
Fedex Corporation
FedEx Corporation is an American global courier delivery services company headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. The name "FedEx" is a syllabic abbreviation of the name of the company's original air division, Federal Express, which was used from 1973 until 2000.
United Parcel Service
United Parcel Service of North America, Inc., typically referred to and branded as UPS (stylized as ups), is the largest shipment and logistics company in the world. The American global package delivery company is headquartered in Sandy Springs, Georgia, which is part of the Greater Atlanta metropolitan area. UPS delivers more than 15 million packages a day to more than 6.1 million customers in more than 220 countries and territories around the world.
TNT Express
Courier offering global express distribution, logistics and international mail service of parcels and freight.
TNT Express N.V., Thomas Nationwide Transport, is an international courier delivery services company with headquarters in Hoofddorp, Netherlands. The firm has fully owned operations in 63 countries and delivers documents, parcels and pieces of freight to over 200 countries.
Express Mail Service
EMS is an international postal Express Mail Service, for documents and merchandise, offered by postal operators of the Universal Postal Union. Approved by the State Council, China Postal Express & Logistics Co., Ltd. (“China Postal Express & Logistics”) was co-founded by China Post Group and provincial postal companies as a state-owned limited company in June 2010. The company is the largest integrated express and logistics service provider with the longest history of business operation, the widest coverage and the richest products in China.